Dr. Jorge Núñez Jover, Bachelor in Chemistry (1972) from the University of Havana; Doctor of Philosophy (1994). Full Professor at the University of Havana. President of the Chair of Social Studies of Science and Technology (CTS+I). Academic Coordinator of the Higher Education-Local Development Network of Cuba (GUCID). Advisor of the Superior Council of FLACSO (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences). He has been awarded on multiple occasions: Cuban Academy of Sciences Award in 2000, 2013, 2016 and 2019, CLACSO (Latin American Council of Social Sciences) Award for “University Studies” 2010, and received the Carlos J. Finlay Order, Award for the Body of Scientific Work. He is Professor Honoris Causa of the University of Cienfuegos, and author of 24 books and a hundred articles.

Dr. Aurora M. Fernández González, Industrial Engineer (1970) from the University of Havana, Doctor in Technical Sciences (1983) from the Polytechnic University of Poznan, Poland. Professor and Professor Emeritus at the Technological University of Havana. She has been Vice Minister of Higher Education in Cuba in charge of Postgraduate, Science, Technology and Innovation activities (1999 – 2019). She currently serves as Advisor to the Minister of Education, coordinates the University Management of Knowledge and Innovation for Development Program (GUCID) of the Ministry of Higher Education and is a member of the Cuban and Ibero-American Chair of Social Studies of Science and Technology (CTS+I) at the University of Havana. He conducts research on issues of higher education and territorial development that have been published in countless articles and compendiums on the subject.