Dr. Giraldo Jesús Martín Martín, Agronomist Engineer (1983) from the University of Matanzas. Professor at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Matanzas (1983-1985). Since 1985 he has been working at the Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages “Indio Hatuey”, of which he was director from 1997 – 2020. D. in Agricultural Sciences (2004). He is a Researcher and Full Professor. He currently directs the international Biomas-Cuba project financed by the Swiss Agency for International Cooperation (COSUDE). He has developed his scientific activity in the field of evaluation and selection of forage species and Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems. He has participated and directed several national and international projects.

MSc. Taymer Miranda Tortoló, Bachelor in Accounting and Finance (1998) from the University of Matanzas. Master in “Management and Development of Cooperatives”, FLACSO, University of Havana (Cuba Program. 2006). Facilitator CEFE (Competences as bases of the economy through Entrepreneurial Training) 2011. Executive Master in Development Policy and Practice, Graduate Institute, Geneva (IHEID. 2016-2017). Project Manager, researcher and Assistant Professor at the “Indio Hatuey” Pasture and Forage Station. She has accompanied producers and local actors involved in local development management processes in various municipalities of the country. He coordinated the Local Development team of the Indio Hatuey Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages. His work has been published in numerous articles in scientific journals, as well as in books. She is currently finishing her doctorate in Innovation and Local Development.