The Institute for Environmental Sciences (iES; https://nuw.rptu.de/institute/ies) is an interdisciplinary research center founded in 2004 at the University of Koblenz-Landau, today University Kaiserslautern-Landau, in Germany. It is composed of 12 working groups covering natural sciences and socio-economic disciplines, with a general focus on the environmental effects of human activities. The iES conducts transdisciplinary research via international projects on three continents, where it involves stakeholders and decision-makers to confront environmental problems of societal relevance.
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The Center for Development Research (ZEF; https://www.zef.de) is an international institute of the University of Bonn that applies interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research on development-related issues. It has a PhD program (BIGS-DR; https://www.zef.de/doctoral-program.html) that has trained more than 700 candidates from all over the world since 1999. ZEF operates several projects related to the bioeconomy, including: i) Improving food security in Africa through increased system productivity of biomass-based value webs (BiomassWeb; https://biomassweb.org/) and ii) Sustainable TRade and InnoVation transfer in the bioEconomy: From National Strategies to Global Sustainable Development Goals (STRIVE; https://strive-bioecon.de/).
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